Like most New Yorkers I am constantly amazed and annoyed by the city's subway system, and Project Subway NYC is a product of this love-hate relationship. It is a collection of sketches, photographs, and architectural drawings.

There is a lot to love and to hate about the subway, but I am specifically interested in the STATIONS themselves - signs, stairs, turnstiles, tunnels, platforms, escalators, and the space... in other words, anything between the streets and the trains.

Curiously, with the overwhelming amount of information available to us today, a three-dimensional representation of the stations does not exist. I first challenged myself to document the stations simply because I thought it is something the city can use, but as the project develops, what set out to be a straightforward, mechanical exercise of surveying and drawing gradually turned into a journey of observation, discovery, and amusement.

I hope the drawings will make way-finding in this giant maze a little easier. On top of that, I hope this project as a whole will give you a new perspective, a new way of understanding, and perhaps a new found sentiment, for this mystifying world under one of the most dynamic cities in the world. (Written in August 2015)



  • Visible City: Reading Transportation and Infrastructure Systems”, AIA Center for Architecture, July 2019

  • Catch Them All!”, TransitSlam 2018, Transit Center, December 2018

  • Project Subway NYC”, Transit Techies NYC #4, October 2018

  • “Where the F*ck is My Train?”, Caveat NYC, September 2018

  • "From Subway Stations to Urban Landscapes: Understanding the World in 3D", Chu Hai College of Higher Education, April 2018

  • "Demystifying Subway Stations", Society for News Design NYC 2018, February 2018

  • "Understanding NYC's Subway Stations in 3D", TransitSlam 2017, Transit Center, December 2017

  • "Project Subway NYC", OCR Friday, Office for Creative Research, June 2016

  • "Mall City, Subway City", Parsons New School, April 2016


Hi!  I am Candy Chan, an architect and urban designer, originally from Hong Kong and now living in Hoboken, New Jersey. I design buildings for a living, but I am also passionate about photography, graphic design and data visualization. 

Ever since I became a mom in 2020, I have been exploring different modes of public transportation in the city with my daughter, scoping out all the accessible routes.

I am a licensed architect in the state of New York and I hold a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. 

Check out my “Services” page for opportunities to collaborate!

inspiration and referenceS


An app that helps you get around in the stations faster. Check it out here.


by sametomorrow.com, check it out here. Illustrations of the signs in the stations.


Similar concept with Exit Strategy NYC, but for Penn Station only. Not available for purchase yet though. Check it out here.